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New Pairings

Today I am cultivating a sense of gratitude by rearranging some of my favorite found (and gifted) objects into a new vignette on my bookshelf. My process for creating this design was to approach the wall/shelf like a painting where I combine textures and shapes to create a pleasing composition.

It feels so good to wipe the slate clean and start fresh using objects I already have on hand, but maybe weren’t fully “seen” in their last locations.

See description below of what I sourced from home to create this design. Comment below if you’re also finding inspiration at home during this COVID-19 quarrantine. I’d love to hear what you’re doing to stay inspired.



+ My own chalkboard painting from my “Nets” series

+ Found object - a driftwood sign from a Lake Superior beach with a reminder written in campfire charcoal “Future Home” is a forever theme for my brother and I

+ Carved oversized wooden spoon from a temple in Zhoucheng Village in Yunnan, China (thank you Jeanee Linden at the Linden Centre for helping me with the offering in exchange for this treasure )

+ Ladder postcard from a wonderful wander through the shops of Antigua, Guatemala during an Open Air Places retreat with Douglas Beasley

+ A small treasured art piece gifted from the talented Sheri Hupfer of Alchemy of Artemis which I carry with me always

+Tiny lace-like leaf that I found and stitched and framed (...but is too tiny to hang on a wall)

+ My jade plant that has been growing with me since 2011