An Island All Her Own / Kona, Hawaii

Meeting Your Heart's Longing / Hilo Orchard Farm, Big Island of Hawaii

Life, Unexpected / Big Island of Hawaii

Given To Be Savored / Maui, Hawaii

The Language of Trees / Hilo Orchard Farm, Big Island of Hawaii

Sacred Palms / Big Island of Hawaii

The Spirit Of Aloha / Big Island of Hawaii

I Carry Your Heart With Me / Kehei, Island of Maui, Hawaii

The Deep Heart's Core / Kona, Hawaii

Press Lightly to Seal | thank-you stationary aged by rain, warmth and sun | on the road to Hakalau Falls, Hawaii | February 2015

Silver Water Braid | I overheard wisdom of the ancients here | Akaka Falls, Hawaii | February 2015

You Are My Witness of Three Years | near the hamlet of vines at the sugarcane ruins | Hakalau, Hawaii | February 2015

Gift Wrapping | ink and love mingled in the green | forgotten location, Hawaii | February 2015

Thin and Black in Pages | Figure Calligraphy at Randy Takaki's Studio | Volcano, Hawaii | February 2015

Brand Me on the Newest Earth There Is | standing sunrise vigil on the volcano crater floor | Kilauea Caldera | February 2015

Constellation of Twists and Braids | offerings to Pele on the lava flow | Pahoa, Hawaii | February 2015

If I Could Say Come In, This is What it Would Look Like | hidden mysteries personified for me in the ferns | Volcano, Hawaii | February 2015
Oh For A Muse of Fire | self-portrait on the edge of the Kilauea volcano Caldera | Hawaii, February 2015
Angel Kiss | birthmark found on the road to Akiko's | Wailea, Hawaii | February 2015
My Gratitude is Scented and Full | cherry blossoms made by hand at the Surfer Beach | Hilo, Hawaii | February 2015
My Gratitude is Scented and Full, Part II | cherry blossoms made by hand at the Surfer Beach | Hilo, Hawaii | February 2015
I Found Your Rain Dipped Rib | self-leaf sculpture near Hakalau Falls | Hawaii | February 2015